Advisory: MV Nord Reliable to Load Over a 8-Day Period

SAINT JOHN (NB) – MV Nord Reliable is due to arrive at Pier 10 at Port Saint John late on November 8th to pick up recycled metals destined for Turkey.Loading is expected to begin on November 9th and last approximately 8 days based on round-the-clock operations.Twenty-four hour loading is common practice at commercial ports.In observance of Remembrance Day, operations will not take place on November 11.Port officials will be monitoring this operation closely for the duration. If you wish to contact us about the operation, please call Port Security at 636-5044 (24 hours a day).Port Saint John is Eastern Canada’s largest port by tonnage and has a diverse cargo base, including dry and liquid bulk, break bulk, containers, and cruise.

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Media contact:Paula CopelandManager of Corporate Communications and GovernancePort Saint JohnCell: (506) 650-5288Email: pcopeland@

Download PDF: Advisory MV Nord Reliable to Load Over a 8-Day Period

Avis : mise à l’essai des Plans d’urgence et de sécurité de Port Saint John


Avis : le MV Nord Reliable procédera à un chargement sur une période de 8 jours