Advisory: Port Saint John to Test Security and Emergency Plans

SAINT JOHN (NB) – Port Saint John and its stakeholders will test both their security and emergency plans in a functional table-top exercise on Thursday, December 11th, 2014 from 8:30 am – 2:30 pm. The functional component of the exercise will take place entirely within the secure gated area of the container terminal over the noon hour.“As part of Marine Transportation Security Regulations, Transport Canada requires all regulated marine facilities to have both security and emergency plans and test them on an annual basis,” stated Captain Chris Hall, Vice President of Operations and Infrastructure & Harbour Master at Port Saint John.Various port stakeholders and government agencies involved with the movement of goods through the Port are taking part in the exercise.“We have a highly engaged port community in Saint John and their participation in this exercise is just one example of both interagency involvement and public-private co-operation. This exercise highlights how a Port is a highly sophisticated system consisting of numerous companies, organizations or individuals who all have key roles to play whether in expediting trade movement or ensuring a safe and secure environment,” commented Jim Quinn, President & CEO.Saint John Fire Department and their HAZMAT team will be responding to the West side for approximately 1 hour (without lights or sirens). There will be no disruption to port operations or to the general public related to the exercise.Port Saint John is Eastern Canada’s largest port by tonnage and has a diverse cargo base, including dry and liquid bulk, break bulk, containers, and cruise.

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Media contact:Craig EstabrooksManager of Corporate StrategyPort Saint John(506) 353-5151cestabrooks@

Download PDF: Advisory Port Saint John and Stakeholders to Test Security and Emergency Plans

BackgrounderGovernment Agencies or Companies involved in the December 11, 2014 exercise:Saint John Fire DepartmentSaint John Police DepartmentTropical ShippingLogistec Stevedoring Inc.Irving OilCanaport LNGDepartment of Fisheries and Oceans CanadaCanada Border Services AgencyTransport CanadaPotashCorpPublic Safety CanadaEmergency Solutions International


Une fin d’année couronnée d’excellents résultats pour Port Saint John dans le secteur des conteneurs et du vrac solide


Avis : mise à l’essai des Plans d’urgence et de sécurité de Port Saint John