Bringing the Port to the Classroom

SAINT JOHN (NB) – For many students, the Port is right in their front yard. Starting today, it’s in their classrooms, too.Port Saint John, in partnership with PALS (Partners Assisting Local Schools) and the Anglophone South School District, is launching lesson plans about the Port and Maritime industries. The education program is designed to complement many areas of the curriculum and can be adapted for many grade levels.“Students may see the Port every day, but they may not be aware of who we are or what we do. Each lesson plan developed between the Port and PALS team informs students about an important piece of their community and regional economy. We want them to learn about our industry in an exciting and creative way. Not only will it contribute to making them well-informed citizens, but it may also open their minds to future career possibilities,” Jim Quinn, president and CEO of Port Saint John, said.On Thursday morning, Quinn took the first group of students from Centennial School on a tour of the Port. Centennial School staff were helpful in focus-testing the resource as it was developed. The Grades 2 and 3 students were shown a short presentation before touring the Port and wrapping up with a 360 degree view of the city from the rooftop patio of the Diamond Jubilee Cruise Terminal.There are three unique lesson plans: Ports and Cargo, Cruise and Dredging. Port Saint John has made lesson plans available online and is already booking tours for teachers eager to help their students learn more about the Port.“We are so pleased to enter this next phase of our PALS at the Port partnership. Port Saint John is at the heart of the city and, with this new resource, the students and staff of local schools will have an exciting way to become better acquainted with the Port and what it means to our community. Extending learning beyond the classroom broadens the horizons of our young people. Thank you to all who have made it possible,” Deborah Fisher, PALS co-ordinator, said.Port Saint John is Eastern Canada’s largest port by tonnage and has a diverse cargo base, including dry and liquid bulk, break bulk, containers, and cruise.

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Media contact:

Hilary Paige SmithCommunications AssistantPort Saint Johnhpsmith@ 636-5400c. (506) 608-2576

Download PDF: Bringing the Port to the Classroom

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