Jim Irving of J.D. Irving, Limited to be Awarded 2019 Port Award of the Year

Port Saint John will present Mr. Jim Irving, Co-CEO of J.D. Irving, Limited with the 2019 Port Award of the Year during the annual Port Days Keynote Luncheon.   This year the Keynote Lunch will take place on Tuesday, June 11, 2019 from Noon – 1:30 pm and features speaker Hon. Blaine Higgs, Premier of the Province of New Brunswick.The Port Award of the Year is given to a company or individual who has made outstanding contributions to the Port of Saint John.  This year will be the 21st occasion a Port Award of the Year presentation has been made at Port Days.“We are recognizing the leadership of Jim Irving in our maritime community, and indeed, his leadership role in the New Brunswick and Atlantic Canadian economy,” commented Jim Quinn, CEO of Port Saint John. “The J.D. Irving, Limited group of companies are responsible for significant impact on our Port but also on Canada.  The leadership exhibited by Jim Irving extends not only to business but also to community through support for several causes in our city which we at Port Saint John are also proud to align with.”The award was introduced in 1998. Over the years many valuable stakeholders of the Port of Saint John have been recognized from stevedoring companies and cruise lines to the general manager of the Saint John Seafarers Mission and our Saint John Harbour Pilots.

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Port Saint John is Canada’s third largest port by tonnage, Canada’s fourth busiest cruise port, and has a diverse cargo base, including dry and liquid bulk, break bulk, and containers.Media contact: Paula Copeland, Director, Communications & Corporate Social Responsibility, Port Saint John, pcopeland@sjport.com, (506) 650-5288.


Jim Irving, de J.D. Irving, Limited, lauréat du Prix portuaire de l’année (2019)


Lisa Keenan Elected Chair of the Board for Port Saint John