MSC Responds to Period of Peak Demand at Port Saint John

SAINT JOHN (NB) – After close to 2 years of operation at Port Saint John, Mediterranean Shipping Company’s (MSC) is responding to a peak demand period by providing additional equipment to meet customer needs.For port watchers this would have been most evident at the Port this week as 3 different MSC vessels visited Rodney Container Terminal.“This expansion continues to be in-line with the commitment MSC made to regional shippers in 2012,” noted Sokat Shaikh, President, MSC Company (Canada). “We are continuing to strengthen and grow our ongoing presence at Port Saint John.”MSC is a privately owned global container shipping line operating in 6 continents and calling over 300 ports worldwide. MSC, the second largest container shipping line in the world, is headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland and in Canada their ships operate at Canada’s 2 largest ports, Vancouver and Montreal.“When MSC was introduced to Port Saint John 2 years ago we regarded this as a key step in the Port’s renewal strategy. Today we are pleased with our growing partnership with MSC and are excited by their decision to support our regional market place by ensuring appropriate equipment and ships are available to move products.,” commented Jim Quinn, President & CEO, Port Saint John.“Our Board of Directors has set a strategy for growth at Port Saint John which will see a continued emphasis on containers,” noted Peter Gaulton, Chairman, Port Saint John. “Working with strong partners such as MSC is a critical factor in achieving success and growth in this sector to the economic betterment of New Brunswick’s shipping community.”Over the past 2 weeks, in response to this peak demand period, and in addition to its regular and well established North-South service, MSC has modified the shipping rotation of its vessels to include a ship with service to the Mediterranean as a caller at Port Saint John.

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Media contacts:

Paula CopelandCorporate CommunicationsPort Saint John(506) 650-5288(506) 636-4674pcopeland@
Olga GoldinMarketing Assistant ManagerMSC (Canada) Inc.(514)
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MSC répond à la période de forte demande à Port Saint John