Port Committed to Risk Management

SAINT JOHN (NB) – Port Saint John is contributing $75,000 to the Saint John Fire Department’s (SJFD) training centre on Grandview Avenue.The funds will support the Grandview Avenue Emergency Services Building, offering training to SJFD personnel, other municipalities and businesses.The announcement was unveiled Thursday morning during a safety exercise held on Port property.“As with any major industry, ports come with their share of risk. We have an excellent record of safety and a commitment to keeping that record strong. Supporting our local fire department and ensuring this community continues to have world class emergency responders is vital,” Jim Quinn, president and CEO of Port Saint John, said.“Our Board of Directors recognizes the value of emergency preparedness and are pleased to support this initiative which will prepare local firefighters even more thoroughly for not only potential industrial incidents but also for their excellent service to the entire City of Saint John,” noted Peter Gaulton, chairman of Port Saint John.“Port Saint John will join the unique partnership between the Saint John Fire Department and industry that will enable the SJFD to provide state of the art training to its own members and generate revenue by training members of other municipal fire services,” said Mayor Mel Norton.“The Live Fire Emergency Training Structure is a simulation-based training module that will allow SJFD firefighters to more efficiently and effectively respond to land based ship board fire and rescue events specific to passenger or cargo ships,” said Fire Chief Kevin Clifford. “The back portion of the module contains ship doors, stairwells, narrow hallways, engine compartments and the international ships connection on the deck of the ship.”The Port deals with high-risk cargo on a regular basis, including energy products. Ensuring the city’s 136 fire fighters and 30 relief personnel have up-to-date training is essential to the safety of the Port and surrounding community.The Grandview Avenue Emergency Services Building is expected to open in May of this year.Port Saint John is Eastern Canada’s largest port by tonnage and has a diverse cargo base, including dry and liquid bulk, break bulk, containers, and cruise.The City of Saint John provides over 40 public facing municipal services to residents, business and visitors. Operating since 1786, the SJFD provides fire rescue and suppression, technical rescue, hazardous materials emergency response, fire prevention, fire investigation, and medical first responder services across the 126 square mile municipality. For more information please visit www.saintjohn.ca/fire.

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Media contact:

Paula CopelandManager of Corporate CommunicationsPort Saint John(506) 636-4674Cell: (506) 650-5288pcopeland@
Nancy MoarCommunications ManagerCity of Saint John(506) 648-3715
Download PDF: Commitment to fire safety and risk management

Port Saint John va de l’avant


Engagement du port envers la gestion du risque