Port Days 2016 Features Big Name Speakers and an Expanded Business Program

SAINT JOHN (NB) – Port Days 2016 is presenting an impressive slate of speakers from Canada, the US, and the UK – each contributing their thought leadership to the theme of leveraging assets.“For the first time ever, the Port Days line-up includes concurrent sessions, which means we have more to offer than ever before,” says Jim Quinn, President and CEO of Port Saint John. “This year our Tuesday business sessions offer delegates the choice of attending sessions on economic trends in trade and opportunities in rail – or sessions on cruise and tourism targeting growth by leveraging assets and developing product.”The rail opportunities panel includes four intermodal and rail partners who service Port Saint John and its customers: Canadian National, Canadian Pacific, Central Maine & Quebec Railway and J.D. Irving, Limited’s transportation and logistics division.The cruise and tourism track for Port Days 2016 will include Claire Foote, Port Services Development and Itinerary Planning Manager, Carnival Group UK. Claire will bring a unique perspective to the session as she describes how cruise lines plan itineraries and how they choose ports and destinations.Keynote speaker Gary Doer, current Co-chair of the Canada Institute Advisory Board at the Wilson Centre, as well former Canadian ambassador to the United States and former Premier of Manitoba, will join delegates at Tuesday’s Port Days Keynote Luncheon, hosted in partnership with The Chamber and the East Coast Energy Connection.“During his time as Premier of Manitoba, Mr. Doer worked extensively with U.S. Governors to enhance Canada-U.S. cooperation on trade, agriculture, water protection, climate change and renewable energy,” says Quinn. “That experience is both timely and relevant to the current business climate in New Brunswick.”Local experts on economic development and tourism, including Stephen Lund, CEO of Opportunities New Brunswick, and Cindy Creamer-Rouse, Director, Tourism, Heritage and Culture for the Province of New Brunswick will participate in panel discussions on both trade and tourism during the Tuesday business sessions.“We are looking forward to welcoming business leaders, Port Saint John partners, and delegates from around the world to Port Days 2016,” says Quinn.The full schedule for Port Days 2016, as well as a link to register, is available online at www.sjport.com/portdays.Port Saint John is Eastern Canada’s largest port by tonnage and has a diverse cargo base, including dry and liquid bulk, break bulk, containers, and cruise.

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Media contact:

Paula CopelandManager of Corporate CommunicationsPort Saint JohnCell: (506) 650-5288Email: pcopeland@

Download PDF: Port Days 2016 features big name speakers and an expanded business program

Conférenciers renommés et vaste programme d’affaires aux Journées du Port 2016


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