Port Saint John Container Tonnage Up 102 Per Cent at End of May 2013

SAINT JOHN (NB) – For the fifth consecutive month, Port Saint John reports significant tonnage increases in a number of sectors of Port traffic for the month of May, with an overall increase of one per cent over the same period in 2012.Gains are in the following sectors:

Sector May 2013 Year-to-Date May 2012 Year-to-Date % Change
Dry Bulk 509,070 393,166 29%
Containers 220,198 109,218 102%
Container TEUs 32,823 19,213 71%
Total Tonnages 12,500,684 12,375,152 1%

"Port Saint John has seen great strides so far this year and much of that is owed to our partners and stakeholders. This week, we are facilitating an incoming trade mission from Latin American and Caribbean ports during Port Days. We hope to see these numbers get even higher as we continue building positive partnerships with global shippers and receivers," Jim Quinn, president and CEO of Port Saint John, said.Port Saint John is Eastern Canada’s largest port and has a diverse cargo base, handling over 30 million metric tonnes of cargo annually, including dry and liquid bulk, break bulk, containers, and cruise. With global connections to over 350 ports around the world, Port Saint John is easily connected via several transportation corridors to central Canadian inland markets by rail and road. Our port is a facilitator of trade and a part of Canada's Atlantic Gateway, providing a marine gateway to global markets.


Media contactPaula SmallManager of Stakeholder and Community EngagementPort Saint Johnc. (506) 650-5288e. psmall@

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Les Journées du Port à Port Saint John, la semaine prochaine