Port Saint John Internationally Recognized for Communications

SAINT JOHN (NB) – Port Saint John’s communications and marketing team has been recognized by the American Association of Port Authorities (AAPA) for their work.The Port was awarded an Award of Excellence for their Cruise 25 campaign, spanning 2013’s cruise season. The campaign included outreach efforts for the community, cruise ship passengers and crew members. It also injected thousands of dollars into the local economy by sourcing entirely local suppliers – everything from locally-made cupcakes to jam made from New Brunswick blueberries.“The leadership of our staff in communications and marketing under the guidance of Paula Copeland has certainly been recognized not only through these awards for projects from the past year but also through the community’s participation in our engagement programs including our recent Port Days and the port education program. Recognition of their efforts by this association is truly well deserved,” said Jim Quinn, president & chief executive officer, Port Saint John,“All entries are measured against specific communications objectives, strategies and results evaluations, therefore the honour of receiving these 6 awards is especially meaningful for us because we are judged in the same category as much larger ports such as Long Beach, Los Angeles and Houston,” noted Paula Copeland, manager of corporate communications and governance, Port Saint John.The Port was also awarded five Awards of Merit across various categories, including two in social media. They include:

  • Port Education Program
  • Cruise Facebook Contest
  • Cruise Saint John "Look Book" & Consumer sheets
  • Revel at the Lido
  • Port Stories (Blog series about employees under 30 on True Growth blog).

All communications efforts fall in line with the Port’s inclusion model. For example, Port Stories paired the Port with Enterprise Saint John to showcase employees under the age of 30 and why they choose to live and work in Saint John. As well, an effort like the Port Education Program takes local children and educators directly onto Port property to experience and learn firsthand.The 2014 AAPA Communications Awards Program utilized 40 professional public relations practitioners who cumulatively spent about 160 hours judging the 15 classifications of entries, ranging from advertisements and periodicals to videos and websites. Winning entrants in AAPA’s 47th annual Communications Awards Program will be recognized at a Nov. 12 awards luncheon in conjunction with AAPA’s 103rd Annual Convention and Expo in Houston, Tex., which runs Nov. 9-13.

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Media contact:Paula CopelandManager of Corporate Communications and GovernancePort Saint JohnCell: (506) 650-5288Email: pcopeland@

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