Port Saint John Looks Forward to Working With Premier Elect Gallant and Team

SAINT JOHN (NB) – As Premier Elect Brian Gallant transitions into the role of Premier of New Brunswick, Port Saint John is looking forward to working with his team on a number of initiatives to increase the prosperity of the Province.“The Port is a critical part of the New Brunswick success story, bringing opportunity for business to connect with markets around the world efficiently and effectively,” noted Jim Quinn, President & CEO of Port Saint John.“We know that Premier Elect Gallant understands the importance of this Port to the economy and future of New Brunswick and we are prepared to work with his team to keep the momentum going strong in trade and tourism sectors.”Chairman Peter Gaulton added, “The Port has seen tremendous growth in recent years in the area of containers in particular. There are many exciting Port files the port team looks forward to briefing the Premier Elect Gallant and his team on as they become familiar with their new roles in the coming days, weeks and months.”Port Saint John is Eastern Canada’s largest port by tonnage and has a diverse cargo base, including dry and liquid bulk, break bulk, containers, and cruise.

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Media contact:Paula CopelandManager of Corporate Communications and GovernancePort Saint JohnCell: (506) 650-5288Email: pcopeland@

Download PDF: Port Saint John Looks Forward to Working on Trade and Tourism Initiatives with Premier Elect Gallant and Team

Le trafic conteneurs poursuit son ascension au Port en ce début de quatrième trimestre 2014


Port Saint John est impatient de travailler avec le premier ministre élu Brian Gallant et son équipe