Port Saint John Supportive of TransCanada’s Energy East Project National Energy Board Filing

SAINT JOHN (NB) – Today’s announcement of TransCanda Corporation’s filing of the $12-Billion Energy East Pipeline Project was welcomed news at Port Saint John.“We’re very pleased that this important project milestone has been reached,” stated Jim Quinn, President & CEO of Port Saint John.” “The Energy East Project presents such a great opportunity not only expanding port activity but it will also add a fundamental piece to growing our economy. We look forward to continuing to work with TransCanada, and all those involved in the Project, as it moves through the review process, as well as working together on further planning and developmental work on the deep water marine terminal in Saint John.”Board Chair, Peter Gaulton, noted that “This project will continue to build both an economic connection from West to East, strengthening the nation and many provinces within it. On behalf of the entire Board of Directors for Port Saint John, I wish to impart how pleased we are that TransCanada has chosen this Port as the terminus for the Energy East Project.”Port Saint John is an established port with a history of marine safety and commitment to sustainability with over 50 years handling petroleum cargo for both import and export.

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Media contact:Paula CopelandManager of Corporate CommunicationsPort Saint Johnt. (506) 636-4674c. (506) 650-5288e. pcopeland@ PDF: Port Saint is Supportive of Energy East Project Filing with National Energy Board


Strong 2014 Year at Port Saint John Continues


Port Saint John appuie le dépôt du Projet Oléoduc Énergie Est de TransCanada auprès de l’Office de l’énergie du Canada