Saint John Port Authority Board of Directors Elects New Chair and Vice Chair

SAINT JOHN (NB) - The Board of Directors of the Saint John Port Authority recently elected a new Chair and Vice Chair of the Board of Directors.At a recent meeting of the Board of Directors, Mr. Peter Gaulton, who had held the position of Interim Chair since November 9, 2012, and was former Vice Chair of the Board, is now Chair of the seven-member Board of Directors for a two-year term.Mr. Gaulton has been a member of the Board of Directors since 2008 and has also served as chair of the audit committee for several years. Peter has been a Saint John-based chartered accountant for the past 34 years and has also owned his own firm for the past 23 years and has been an avid community volunteer for over 3 decades.The position of Vice Chair was filled by Mr. Phil Brewer during the same meeting. The position of Vice Chair is also a two-year term.Mr. Brewer has been the owner and president of Cox Electronics & Communications for over 30 years and has a strong background in business leadership and financial management. Phil has also served on many corporate and community boards and has been a member of the Board of Directors since 2011, serving both as committee chair for the human resources and audit committees during that period.Media contact:Paula SmallManager of Stakeholder and Community EngagementPort Saint John(506) 650-5288e. psmall@

Download PDF: Saint John Port Authority Board of Directors Elects New Chair and Vice Chair

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