Port Saint John Honours Java Moose with 2015 Cruise Champion Award

SAINT JOHN (NB) – Java Moose Coffee Roasters has been selected by Port Saint John as the 2015 recipient of the Cruise Champion Award.“We have always had tremendous support from Glen McLean and Randy Pedersen at Java Moose,” commented Betty MacMillan, Manager of Cruise Development for Port Saint John. “Aside from their well known service-orientated brand that calls Saint John home, they have also been a partner with us on a number of familiarization visits from cruise industry executives and business development teams who come to scout out the destination in advance of sending ships here.”The Cruise Champion Award is presented annually during the Hospitality Saint John Tourism Awards event which is scheduled this year for Thursday, November 5, 2015 at the Saint John Trade & Convention Centre.Past recipients include the Cruise Saint John Meet & Greet volunteer team and Aquila Tours, who were both recognized for fundamental and pioneering roles they played in developing this cruise destination.Now in its 3rd year, Hospitality Saint John Tourism Awards event provides an opportunity for an annual recognition for individuals, companies and organizations working or doing business in the local hospitality and tourism industry. Tickets for Thursday evening’s event are still available at https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/2015-hospitality-saint-john-tourism-awards-gala-tickets-18906468757?aff=efbevent


Media Contact:Betty MacMillanManager of Cruise DevelopmentPort Saint Johnbmacmillan@ (506) 636-5015cell: (506) 636-2976

Download PDF: Port Saint John honours Java Moose with 2015 Cruise Champion Award

Port Saint John rend hommage à Java Moose en lui remettant le Prix du champion des croisières 2015


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