From Container to Your Coffee Cup: New Deal Will Bring Brazilian Beans to Local Market

SAINT JOHN (NB) – Brazilian coffee bean company, Coccamp has set up operations in Saint John, resulting in an exciting new partnership between Coccamp and local coffee shop Java Moose.Rodney Weston, Member of Parliament for Saint John, and the Honourable Rick Doucet, Minister of Economic Development, joined Port Saint John officials at Java Moose today to make the announcement.The partnership between Coccamp and local coffee chain Java Moose grew out of an incoming trade mission from Latin America in June of 2013, organized by partners including the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency, the New Brunswick Department of Economic Development, Enterprise Saint John and Port Saint John. Coccamp, a Brazilian coffee company, was one of ten firms that participated in approximately 150 meetings in Saint John during the mission.“Our Government has made opening new markets a priority in order to create jobs and economic opportunities for hardworking Canadians in every region of the country,” said MP Weston on behalf of the Honourable Rob Moore, Regional Minister for New Brunswick and Minister of State (Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency). “The partnership between Brazilian coffee bean’s company Coccamp, and Saint John’s Java Moose highlights the success of an incoming Latin American trade mission that has solidified new trade relationships, and established a coffee bean distribution centre that will generate new market opportunities throughout Atlantic Canada and the United States.”“We believe in the tremendous potential of New Brunswick’s small and medium-sized enterprises,” said Doucet. “The province’s economic growth relies on strong ties between businesses and critical transportation assets. Our sustained commitment to these long-term partnerships continues to help New Brunswick businesses access new trade and market opportunities.”Coccamp’s business model will see coffee beans imported to Saint John for roasting and distribution. The first container of beans arrived in Saint John in November 2014. With this new partnership, Java Moose will roast and distribute a specialty blend in stores and through Java Moose’s new K-cup line.“Partnerships, like the one announced today, provide a local story and context as to how enhanced trade volume in the north-south trade corridor is impacting this region,” said Jim Quinn, President& CEO of Port Saint John. “Traditionally we have been an export port, so import business, such as these coffee beans, is key as it provides the beginning of balanced trade.”Saint John was a natural fit for the partnership because of the Port’s strategic location on the Atlantic seaboard, its strong inland transportation connections and access to other markets both in Canada and the United States. Brazil is one of the fastest growing economies in the world and provides ample opportunities for New Brunswick exporters, being one of the primary markets for Port-related traffic.Coccamp is hoping to expand the distribution of the beans coming through the Port, partnering first with New Brunswick roasters, and then looking outward to expand into other Atlantic provinces and, eventually, distributing to Central Canada and the United States.Steve Carson, CEO of Enterprise Saint John, commented on the partnership. “It’s a positive example of various partners coming together in a collaborative way. This is what True Growth is all about: working together toward a common goal of increasing prosperity in the region.”“Java Moose Coffee, a local small business, is pleased to be able to access quality coffee beans delivered from Brazil virtually to our doorstep with the help and partnership of Coccamp NB Inc. and Port Saint John,” said Glen McLean, owner, Java Moose. “We are excited by this value added proposition as we roast, flavour and package the raw green beans into consumer ready products including bulk beans, fractional packages and our new recyclable single serve cups. The opportunity and potential is tremendous as we explore future retail, wholesale and export opportunities.”Port Saint John is Eastern Canada’s largest port by tonnage and has a diverse cargo base, including dry and liquid bulk, break bulk, containers, and cruise.

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Media Contacts:

Paula CopelandManager of Corporate CommunicationsPort Saint Johnpcopeland@ (506) 650-5288 
Kelsie CoreyDirector of CommunicationsOffice of the Honourable Rob MooreAtlantic Canada Opportunities Agencyt. (613) 941-7241 
Anne Bull or Sheila LagacéMedia RelationsEconomic (506) 453-3030 
Ann KenneySenior Communications OfficerACOA NBt. (506) 452-3687


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