Honourable Greg Rickford to Deliver Port Days Keynote

SAINT JOHN (NB) – Port Saint John and The Chamber have teamed up to present Federal Minister of Natural Resources Greg Rickford as keynote speaker at Port Days, June 7-9. This coincides with the first day of the East Coast Energy Connection 2015 conference which shares the keynote address. Minister Rickford is also Minister for the Federal Economic Development Initiative in Northern Ontario.Other distinguished speakers for Port Days include Honourable Brian Gallant, Premier of the Province of New Brunswick who will provide greetings at Breakfast, John Van der Put, Vice-President, TransCanada Pipelines and Mark Sherman of Irving Oil Limited who will speak about the Energy East Pipeline project during breakfast; and Madeleine Paquin, President & CEO of Logistec Corporation – who will moderate an all-star panel of speakers who will discuss the Port Days theme: Turning Opportunities into Growth.“We are just thrilled to welcome such high-calibre speakers to Port Days this year,” says Jim Quinn, President and CEO of Port Saint John. “We are really looking forward to viewing our past, present and future growth opportunities through the lens offered by these influential individuals. I am confident the insights they share with us will benefit our port, our city and our province.”Port Days kicks off with Community Day on June 7th, with a full day of family-friendly activities benefiting PALS (Partners Assisting Local Schools). Delegates will enjoy excursions and networking opportunities on June 8th and 9th, including panel sessions, the Port Award of the Year, a golf tournament/vineyard tour, and the always-popular Seafood Fiesta.“Port Days is an important tool for business in our region. It helps connect port clients with business leaders and officials from all levels of government – strengthening trade links and creating new partnerships,” says Quinn. “But it’s more than a chance to network. It's an opportunity to showcase our port and our city in a way that directly contributes to the prosperity of our province."For more information or to purchase tickets for Port Days, visit www.sjport.com/portdays.For more information about the inaugural East Coast Energy Connection 2015 conference, held in conjunction with Port Days, visit www.TheChamberSJ.com.

–30 –

Media contacts:

Paula CopelandManager of Corporate Communications & GovernancePort Saint Johnc. (506) 650-5288e. pcopeland@
Patrick BeamishPolicy DirectorSaint John Region Chambert.  (506) 609-1119e. pbeamish@thechambersj.com


Download PDF: Honourable Greg Rickford to Deliver Port Days Keynote

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