Port Saint John & Port of Montreal Team Up to Sponsor Samuel de Champlain Students Visits to Both Ports

SAINT JOHN (NB) – Almost 50 grade eight students from Centre Scolaire Samuel de Champlain are visiting the Port of Montreal this week, thanks in part to sponsorship from both Port Saint John and the Port of Montreal.The students are part of the PEVOM8 program at Samuel de Champlain, an entrepreneurship initiative that sees grade eight students develop and implement a small business idea to raise funds for a trip to Montreal at the end of the school year.“Thanks to the efforts of our students and our sponsors, we were able to exceed our fundraising goal this year,” says Eric Levesque, teacher and PEVOM8 program coordinator.The PEVOM8 students visited Port Saint John in April, and got a feel for the importance of the Port to New Brunswick’s export-driven economy. They had an opportunity to learn of the many connections the Port has with businesses throughout the Province. During their visit to Montreal this week, they’ll have a similar tour.“We worked in partnership with Port of Montreal to provide the students a two-port experience,” says Paula Copeland, Manager of Corporate Communications & Governance at Port Saint John. “An opportunity like this one is an original concept and supports not only a student learning experience but it also enhances inter-port relationship and co-operation between 2 of Canada’s 18 Canada Port Authorities.”"For us, the involvement between the two ports means that our students will be able to see how both ports contributed differently to the development of the two cities,” says Levesque. “It also will permit students to see different types of businesses within each city."Student tours are a significant part of Port Saint John’s community outreach programs.“Educating youth about the Port and what we do is important to us and to the future of this Province,” says Jim Quinn, President and CEO of Port Saint John. “At Port Saint John, we place a high importance on increasing the knowledge base of students so they will be aware of, and interested in, the options available in the marine, logistics and transportation industry as they beginm to think of careers.”The Port of Montreal is similarly committed to education and awareness building.“The Port of Montreal is proud to support activities that deepen students’ knowledge about port activities and that could also, by the same token, perhaps spark an interest for a marine career,” said Sophie Roux, Vice-president, Public Affairs at the Montreal Port Authority. “I hope the PEVOM8 students’ visit to the Port of Montreal will achieve this and more!”

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Media Contact:Paula CopelandManager of Corporate Communications & GovernancePort Saint Johnt. (506) 636-4674c. (506) 650-5288e. pcopeland@

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Port Saint John et le Port de Montréal font équipe afin de permettre à des élèves de Samuel de Champlain de visiter leurs installations


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