Port Saint John Recognized for Export Excellence

SAINT JOHN (NB) – Port Saint John was honoured tonight for excellence in collaboration partnerships.The Collaborative Partnership Award recognizes the organizations or individuals that champion New Brunswick exporters and assists them in achieving their export goals and reaching world markets. Greater Moncton International Airport Inc. are co-recipients of this award in its inaugural year."A competitive business environment and access to global markets allows us to attract new foreign investments and renew and strengthen the entrepreneurial spirit of our province. We’re honoured to be recognized and we look forward to continuing to work with the province’s key transportation networks and companies, economic development agencies and shippers to get their exports to market,” Peter Gaulton, chair of the Board of Directors for Port Saint John, said at the Export Awards.Port Saint John and the Greater Moncton International Airport Inc. offer connectivity and expertise to exporters. Port Saint John is the largest port in Eastern Canada, and through its shipping line partners, links to more than 350 ports across the globe. The airport is home to the largest warehousing and distribution centre in Atlantic Canada and is designated an official International Air Cargo Trans-shipment Centre.Both organizations offer a range of options designed to bring New Brunswick goods to the global market. That goes hand in hand with the province’s export strategy – Growing Global Markets.The Export Achievement Awards have been organized and executed as a partnership event between the Department of Economic Development and the Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters, NB Division since 1967.


Media contactPaula SmallManager of Stakeholder and Community EngagementPort Saint Johnc. (506) 650-5288e. psmall@

Download PDF: Port Saint John Recognized for Export Excellence

Port Saint John reconnu pour son excellence dans le domaine de l’exportation


Port Saint John commandite l’École Havelock