Visual Artists Share Port Reflections with ACPA Conference Delegates

SAINT JOHN, NB: Association of Canadian Port Authorities (ACPA) conference delegates from across the country will be treated to a show of Port Saint John-themed art at the ACPA conference networking cocktail reception on Tuesday, September 11th from 5 pm to 7 pm at the Delta Brunswick.The theme of the reception, ‘Port Reflections: Art of the Port’ celebrates what it means to be a port city and will feature paintings by Alexis Arts, Kyla Chung, Jill Higgins, Sarah Jones, Fabiola Martinez, and Carla Perkins.“This art show and reception will celebrate the vibrancy, atmosphere, and juxtaposition of industry and the natural environment in Saint John,” said Jim Quinn, President and CEO of Port Saint John. “Our Port’s commercial/industrial past, present, and future will be showcased through the eyes of local artists.”Conference guests and artists will have the opportunity to mingle during the event.“It’s an opportunity to introduce conference delegates to a widened perspective of our port and our city,” said Quinn.The art will be available for purchase and a gallery catalogue highlighting the artists and their work will be produced for the art show - a commemorative keepsake for conference delegates and a lasting promotion for our city and its rich arts and culture.“Ports are a gateway to the world connecting us to the water, to the land, and to one another,” said Quinn.“As a proud community supporter and economic driver, we believe it is our responsibility to connect closely with our community and to help ensure that our city and our region continue to be important commercial and cultural hubs for generations to come.”Port Saint John is Canada’s third largest port by tonnage and has a diverse cargo base, including dry and liquid bulk, break bulk, containers, and cruise.

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 Media Contacts:

 Paula Copeland, Director, Communications & CSRPort Saint Johnpcopeland@  / Cell: (506) 650-5288  Christine Gilliland, Project DirectorWay Up Strategic Solutions(506) 343-5154 /



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